New Ghost Stories
New Ghost Stories Podcast
Kept Overnight | New Ghost Stories Podcast 26

Kept Overnight | New Ghost Stories Podcast 26

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There’s an explainer at the beginning of this episode to say why it’s a full episode instead of the short episode teased at the end of the last podcast. You’re getting more content, so I hope you’ll be pleased. I had wanted a slightly lighter workload post-Christmas to recharge my batteries. Oh well… never mind.

Most of my supernatural cases take a little time to unfold, often a few days, sometimes years. Case no. 432 has no portents at all; it really does take place over just 24 hours.

It offers quite a bit for both for skeptics and believers to chew over. It’s typical for supernatural events to happen when people feel isolated and vulnerable. In hospital, we are obviously at our most vulnerable. But we’re not isolated when we’re there, at least in a literal sense.

You can argue that isolation has little to do with physical proximity. But skeptics who claim hauntings can be caused when we’re cut off from others must consider the very public location where this apparition appears. Believers, however, must be asked why such a public haunting would appear to only have been experienced by just by one person. (Well, perhaps two, if you think what’s revealed at the end of the story could actually happen).

You might also argue that this bizarre phenomenon has been caused by an altered state. Though people are put to sleep using general anaesthetic every day, the way that it works is still not entirely understood. So it could be possible, therefore, for unusual and misunderstood side-effects to take place. Are they just strange, or do they signify something more profound?  

This case is a strange one. I feel like I write that a lot. But I think you’ll agree, once you listen, that this is a particularly surreal series of events. Maybe even one that only a child could come up with…

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New Ghost Stories
New Ghost Stories Podcast
Hear witness accounts of the supernatural. Author David Paul Nixon has spent almost a decade travelling Great Britain and collecting lost ghost stories that have never been told before. Are these stories of madness, lies, or self-deception? Or could they be the real thing? The only way to find out, is to listen.