New Ghost Stories
New Ghost Stories Podcast
A Rhythm of Eight part 1 | New Ghost Stories Podcast 40

A Rhythm of Eight part 1 | New Ghost Stories Podcast 40

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The longest, most expansive investigation in the New Ghost Stories archive leads inevitably to the longest episode ever of the New Ghost Stories Podcast.

Almost 13 (!) years ago, I completed my first full case - A Rhythm of Six. 25 cases before this one had for some reason or another fallen to the wayside. I finally had one case that was complete, researched, scrutinised, verified, and ready to go. And then the subject vanished.

I’d already learned at this point that these supernatural experiences were no simple matter, not something to write off or laugh about. But I’d never felt so close to things. I’d always had the benefit of distance before. This was happening in real time. They sent me a letter, and by the time I’d received it, they’d already gone to ground.

I never thought I’d find out what happened to her. Our brief acquaintance and the contents of that letter… they’ve haunted me ever since.

My expectation was that if I ever heard from her again, the news would not good. I was not mistaken. And the episode you’re about to hear is a tale full of tragedy and unspeakable cruelty that goes back decades.

But there is light at the end of this tunnel. You’ll just have to wait until the next episode to see it.

You’ve never really seen it all in this game. I’ve often found myself wanting to write that this is the strangest case I’ve ever heard, or the most disturbing case, or the most out-there case. I have to stop myself though, because there’s always something new and unexpected and weird to come.   

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New Ghost Stories
New Ghost Stories Podcast
Hear witness accounts of the supernatural. Author David Paul Nixon has spent almost a decade travelling Great Britain and collecting lost ghost stories that have never been told before. Are these stories of madness, lies, or self-deception? Or could they be the real thing? The only way to find out, is to listen.