New Ghost Stories
New Ghost Stories Podcast
New Ghost Stories Podcast Shorts #3 - Glass Eye

New Ghost Stories Podcast Shorts #3 - Glass Eye

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I know there are going to be questions about this short episode, so let me try and head the main one off: yes, I do understand that glass eyes aren’t actually round.

Glass eyes - nowadays made usually of acrylic - are usually curved and they sit over an eye which no longer functions, and does not appear like the other eye. However, some people have to have their whole eyeball removed, a procedure called enucleation.

In these cases, an ocular implant is often fitted into the eye to prevent tissue from growing to fill the space. A glass eye is then fitted on top of this implant.

What we have here, I assume, is a glass eye fitted on top of an ocular implant, or an ocular implant fashioned to look like a normal eye. It’s hard to be sure; the subject and the other witness were not able to offer a more detailed description of it, or the way it moved.

I’ve nevertheless chosen to give them the benefit of the doubt in this case, based on the time I spent talking to them and the other research I’ve done into this account.

Of course, how a full ocular implant got loost from someone’s eye socket is another mystery in itself. Though probably not the strangest feature of this case for sure.

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New Ghost Stories
New Ghost Stories Podcast
Hear witness accounts of the supernatural. Author David Paul Nixon has spent almost a decade travelling Great Britain and collecting lost ghost stories that have never been told before. Are these stories of madness, lies, or self-deception? Or could they be the real thing? The only way to find out, is to listen.